谷歌翻译退出中国后该如何恢复 Chrome 翻译的正常使用?
下面是获取可用 IP 地址以及修改 Windows 系统和 macOS 系统 hosts 文件的自动化脚本代码:
脚本托管在 GitHub Gist 上,你也可以通过以下链接直接下载到本地使用。
:: Copyright (c)2022 :: This is a batch script for fixing Google Translate and making it available :: in the Chinese mainland. If you experience any problem, visit the page below: :: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion chcp 437 >NULL set "" set "" set "hosts_file=C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" for /f "skip=4 tokens=2" %%a in ('"nslookup %source_domain% 2>NUL"') do set ip=%%a set "old_rule=null" set "new_rule=%ip% %target_domain%" set "comment=# Fix Google Translate CN" for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('type %hosts_file%') do ( set "line=%%i" :: Retrieve the rule If the target domain exists. if not "!line:%target_domain%=!"=="%%i" set "old_rule=%%i" ) if not "%old_rule%"=="null" ( echo A rule has been added to the hosts file. echo [1] Update [2] Delete set /p action="Enter a number to choose an action: " if "!action!"=="1" ( if not "%old_rule%"=="%new_rule%" ( echo Deleting the rule "%old_rule%" echo Adding the rule "%new_rule%" set "new_line=false" for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('type %hosts_file% ^| find /v /n "" ^& break ^> %hosts_file%') do ( set "rule=%%i" set "rule=!rule:*]=!" if "%old_rule%"=="!rule!" set "rule=%new_rule%" if "!new_line!"=="true" >>%hosts_file% echo. >>%hosts_file% <NUL set /p="!rule!" set "new_line=true" ) ) else ( echo The rule already exists, nothing to do. ) ) if "!action!"=="2" ( echo Deleting the rule "%old_rule%" set "new_line=false" for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (' type "%hosts_file%" ^| findstr /v /c:"%comment%" ^| findstr /v "%target_domain%" ^| find /v /n "" ^& break ^> "%hosts_file%" ') do ( set "line=%%i" set "line=!line:*]=!" if "!new_line!"=="true" >>%hosts_file% echo. >>%hosts_file% <NUL set /p="!line!" set "new_line=true" ) ) ) else ( echo Adding the rule "%new_rule%" echo.>>%hosts_file% echo %comment%>>%hosts_file% <NUL set /p="%new_rule%">>%hosts_file% ) echo Done. pause
如果你用的是 macOS 系统
sudo bash -c "$(curl -skL"
如果看到如下所示提示,表示规则添加成功,也就可以正常使用 Chrome 的谷歌翻译功能了。
Adding the rule ""
* 提示:终端打开的方式为,打开“访达(Finder)”,在左侧边栏找到并进入“应用程序(Applications)”文件夹,在里面找到并进入“实用工具(Utilities)”文件夹,在这里面就可以找到“终端(Terminal)”,双击打开。
* 注意:由于代码是托管在 GitHub 的,因此在请求 URL 的时候可能会遇到网络不通畅的情况,如果运行命令后长时间没反应,建议按 Ctrl + C 中止运行,然后再重新运行一遍上面的命令,一般最多尝试两三次。
此命令可以重复使用。添加规则后再次使用时会出现交互提示信息,输入 1 会尝试更新已添加规则的 IP 地址,如果没有变化则不做任何修改,输入 2 会删除已添加的规则。
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