Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏


pretty Asian woman was holding the flowers in her hands, Korean Model, real photo style, full body shot.

图片[1]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


One girl, long hair, model, white background, white shirt, khaki Capri pants, khaki loafers, sitting on a stool, lazy pose, slightly tilting head, smiling, Asian beauty, loose-fitting clothes, hands placed in front of body, slightly raised foot, half-body shot, Canon R5 camera style, blurred background, indoor, natural light, some sunlight shining on the face,9:16.

图片[2]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


Adult boy, successful person, Asian, happy,solid color background, C4D rendering, Pixar,9:16.

图片[3]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


a very beautiful girl in the bus window, photorealism, perspective,9:16.

图片[4]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


Elon Musk caricature, in the style of michael hussar, caricature faces, angelina wrona, dark white and azure, expressive eyes, celebrity-portraits, high resolution,9:16

图片[5]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


a portal into a mythical forest on the wall of my small messy bedroom.

图片[6]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客 图片[7]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


Two young Japanese women walking in a Tokyo alley

图片[8]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客


Two young Japanese women, one wearing a red top and blue jeans, the other wearing a white top and jeans, both holding umbrellas, walking on the streets of Tokyo


图片[9]-Flux.1 生成美图、美女的提示词!需要的收藏-零度博客

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